Who Shot Ya?

New year, new episode! We are joined by writer/director Todd Berger (It’s a DisasterCover Versions) to discuss the devastating new film Marriage Story. And speaking of relationships, we also talk about the most memorable on-screen couples – the best and the worst. Plus, we chat about Oscar nomination predictions.

Staff Picks:

Ify – Arrival
Alonso – Shy People
Drea – Atlantics
Todd – Bob Roberts

With Alonso DuraldeDrea ClarkIfy Nwadiwe, and Todd Berger

You can let us know what you think of Who Shot Ya? on Twitter or Facebook. Or email us at whoshotya@maximumfun.org

Call us on the “Who Shotline” – WSY-803-1664

Produced by Casey O’Brien and Laura Swisher for MaximumFun.org.